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The Great Miscalculation

Human history is littered with examples of great miscalculations. In the recent housing crisis, tens of thousands of home buyers miscalculated their ability to make timely mortgage payments and fell into foreclosure status. Banks that had bundled these mortgages into securities found themselves and their investors holding worthless junk, fomenting an economic crisis. On December 7, 1941, in its attack on Pearl Harbor, Imperial Japan miscalculated the ability and resolve of America to defend itself against an unprovoked surprise attack. The result of that great miscalculation was the nuclear destruction of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, resulting in Japan's absolute surrender. 

In the beginning of human history, Satan the Serpent became the 'god of this world' with his seduction of Eve and subsequent complicity of Adam in disobeying God's one prohibition. While Satan has over and over again demonstrated his subtilty in deceiving and tripping up members of humanity, he has also made his share of miscalculations. 

Joseph is a prime example. As Satan observed Joseph enjoying the favor of God, he moved his brothers to sell him into slavery. In Egypt, God continued to give favor. Satan moved Pharaoh's wife to seduce him. He fled the temptation. A false accusation landed him in prison. But God continued to favor his man with the ability to interpret dreams. God's favor finally put Joseph in great authority, second only to Pharaoh himself, and allowed him to provide safety in Egypt for his  father Jacob, his brothers and their families. God's favor upon Joseph gave birth to the Hebrew nation in Egypt. The rest is history. Satan appears to make his greatest miscalculations when he seeks to harm those whom God favors. 

Did not Satan miscalculate when the Philistines put Samson in chains? It's true Samson self-destructed by compromising his Nazarite vow. But in his disobedience and affliction, he was still God's man. The Spirit of God enabled him to kill more Philistines in his death than he killed during the twenty years he judged Israel. Based on the biblical record, that total would be in the thousands. 

Satan miscalculated in his negotiations with the Lord over Job. God gave Satan authority to take from Job everything but his life. Job endured the loss of health, the loss of his children and worldly goods, and the sanctimonious criticism of his so-called friends. Yet in all his trials, Job continued to bless the Lord and give him the glory. The last thing Satan expected from Job, one he pummeled unmercifully, was for that godly man to petition his God for mercy on behalf of his critics. When the Lord restored to Job double what the Evil One had taken from him, Satan was left to sulk over his great miscalculation.

Another classic miscalculation was when Satan paraded out the Philistine giant Goliath to challenge the armies of Israel. The proposal was for Israel to send out their champion for a mano a mano fight to the death. The nation of the loser would serve the nation of the winner. It looked like a slam dunk for Satan in his attempt to humiliate and subjugate Gods people. What Satan failed to account for was an Israelite that would see Goliath through God's eyes—eyes of faith—instead of being intimidated by him. David was that man of faith. God raised up a champion that day, sending Satan back to his drawing board.  

No miscalculation of Satan has been greater than Jesus of Nazareth. The events surrounding his birth in Bethlehem must have triggered a desire to destroy the Christ child. So Satan moved Herod at one point to kill every child in Bethlehem age two and under. He failed. He brought out his best devices to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, but failed. During Jesus' ministry, Satan often moved the religious elites to kill him, but they failed. At the close his ministry, when his 'time' had come, Satan led Judas to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. The arrest of Jesus set in motion the most unjust trial in human history. Satan used his pawns to bring bogus accusations and inspired the crowds to cry: “Crucify him! Crucify him!” Satan thought he had achieved his goal when Pilate finally delivered Jesus to the Roman soldiers to be crucified. He must have longed for the moment when Jesus would draw his last breath.  

Jesus finally cried with a loud voice: “It is finished!” Those were the words of a champion, not those of a victim. Moments later Jesus commended his spirit to the Father, and slumped in death. Before Satan could breathe a long-awaited sigh of relief, the earth quaked violently, the Father rent the temple veil in two and resurrected many, telegraphing what would transpire in a few days. Nevertheless, the disciples of Jesus laid his lifeless body in a borrowed tomb. The Romans secured it with guards. 

The cross of Jesus Christ was Satan's great miscalculation. While he was relishing what he thought was a resounding victory in crucifying Jesus, the Father was laying the groundwork for redemption through his precious blood. While Satan thought he made a laughing stock of Jesus, the Father was making him to be sin for us, that believers might be made the righteousness of God in him. While Satan was in the process of destroying the life of Christ, God the Father was in the process of reconciling the world unto himself. While Satan was making Jesus the victim of Pilate's judgment, the Father was qualifying his Son to be Judge of all. The Jesus that Satan cast into the fiery trial of the Cross is the same Jesus that one day will cast Satan into the Lake of Fire. The outcome Satan thought he achieved was the complete reverse. Satan and his human cohorts all miscalculated what the Father accomplished in Christ's death. They acted in abject ignorance. Scripture says that if they had been aware of God's wisdom in offering up his Son, they “would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1 Corinthians 2:8). 

Now let's fast forward to Revelation 6:1-17. In this text, we find the unfolding of the Day of the Lord, the Great Tribulation. In total control of the judgments to be meted out upon the earth is the LAMB, the Lord Jesus. He possesses both the AUTHORITY to open the seals of judgment (6:1) as well as the WRATH to carry out the judgments (6:16). The wrath Jesus endured on behalf of sinners qualifies him to administer that same wrath on those who reject his sacrificial suffering for sin.  

All four beasts in Revelation 6 issue the same invitation to John: “Come and see” (6:1; 6:3; 6:5; 6:7). It calls to mind John 1:35-39. John the Baptist, in the company of two of his disciples, beheld Jesus and proclaimed: “Behold the LAMB of God!” (1:36). Those two disciples, having heard John, began to follow Jesus. Jesus saw them following, and inquired: “What seek ye?” (1:38). They rejoined: “Rabbi, where dwellest thou?” (1:38). Jesus said: “Come and see!” (1:39). These four beasts issued to John the Revelator the same invitation Jesus issued to the two disciples of John the Baptist. In both invitations, separated by two thousand years, the invitees are bidden to observe the same LAMB in action. In John 1, Jesus is the LAMB, meek and lowly in heart, yet to be offered. In Revelation 6, however, Jesus is the LAMB in full judgment mode, dispensing wrath upon a godless world that rejected his sin offering on their behalf. Satan made a great miscalculation in dealing with the LAMB John the Baptist introduced. For two thousand years, billions of lost men have made the same miscalculation. How could the LAMB of God, so meek and lowly in heart, wield such fierceness of wrath normally associated with a LION? 

History is on a march toward Judgment Day! On the thrones of judgment—the Bema Seat of Christ for believers and the Great White Throne for unbelievers—will sit Jesus, the LAMB of God, in possession of the authority and power of a LION to execute judgment! If you must make a miscalculation in life, please do NOT miscalculate the nature of the LAMB and your unavoidable encounter with him!


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