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Why I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

A major component of the gospel of Jesus Christ is his resurrection from the dead. In order for a sinful man to be saved from his sins, he must believe it. For the scripture declares: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9). Paul reminded the Corinthians of the same gospel he preached to them: “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). The resurrection was a vindication of Jesus' substitutionary death for sinners inasmuch as death had no claim on him. It was for us and our sins that he died and rose again. 

A belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ is rooted in reason as well as revelation. In other words, any intellectually honest individual should have no problem believing God can raise the dead. Psalm 19:1 says: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” A reasonable man, unaided by scripture, can perceive the majesty of God from the universe he observes. The deeper a man delves into the wonders of nature, the more glory he beholds. This is true both macroscopically (vastness of the universe) and microscopically (genius behind the composition of matter on an atomic level). In addition, he perceives that he (man) is at the pinnacle of life forms, being self-aware, having cognitive ability and possessing a conscience. He now has two options available to explain his existence and that of the universe: creation or evolution. 

An intellectually honest individual who considers evolution, the humanist alternative to creation, as a viable explanation for his existence, will ultimately abandon that theory thanks to what his fellow man has discovered about physical science. The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, which are two fundamentals of the physical universe, destroy the theory of evolution. The First Law is the principle of energy conservation. It states that in a closed mechanical system, which the universe is, there is a fixed amount of energy. Although energy is often converted from one form to another, it's neither created nor destroyed. The Second Law states when energy is converted from one form to another, it always has the tendency to become less available for useful work. It's the principle of energy entropy. The conversions of energy tend toward greater degrees of randomness and lesser degrees of complexity.  

The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics enable us to draw two inescapable conclusions. First, since there is no energy creation taking place in the universe, there MUST have been a point at which the energy currently existing within the system was brought into existence by a greater power outside the system. Secondly, since converted energy always becomes less orderly, energy evolution from less complex to more complex forms, an absolute necessity for the evolution of species, is impossible! That leaves the reasonable man to conclude that creation alone can explain his existence.

This is admittedly a rather circuitous route to a belief in the resurrection of Christ. But the need to make the case for God as Creator is mandatory to any defense of the resurrection. Resurrection power is an extension of creative power! If God did not create man in his own image, neither can he resurrect man! The latter necessitates the former! The most egregious attacks upon the Godhead focus upon his role as Creator, the One to whom all men are accountable! Once a man acknowledges God as his Creator, One who is bigger and wiser than himself, embracing the concepts of Christ's incarnation (virgin conception and birth), substitutionary death and triumphant resurrection becomes a logical progression of thought!

Belief in God as Creator leads one logically to conclude that God is perfectly able to REVEAL his mind and will for man to man, and PRESERVE what he communicates. This belief is entirely reasonable. If God can establish with absolute precision the trillions of heavenly bodies stretched across billions of light years, he is well able to get a message to man and preserve it! 

This leads me to believe in the Bible as the source of divine revelation. The sixty-six books of the Bible have a unique history. God led Moses to write its first five books. Over the course of 2,000 or so years, different men with unique gifts and perspectives penned the historical books, the poetic and prophetic books, the four gospels and the NT epistles. All sixty-six books have a common theme: Jesus Christ the Messiah. Despite many attempts by skeptics to find errors within its pages and disparage its integrity, the Bible has withstood every attack. While on this earth, Jesus of Nazareth affirmed the veracity of the scriptures (John 10:35). His resurrection proves what he said about them was true. The Bible says Jesus both arose from the dead (Matthew 28:6-7; Mark 16:6) and appeared to his disciples after he arose. At one point, over five hundred saw him alive at once (1 Corinthians 15:6). There is just no way these men would have laid down their lives as martyrs for a dead leader. Once the eyewitnesses of the resurrected Christ were filled with Holy Ghost power and boldness to bear witness of him, the number of disciples grew to several thousand in a matter of days. 

The resurrection of Jesus Christ, an integral part of the gospel, is the power of God to transform the life of a believer (Romans 1:16). Jesus was raised for our justification (4:25). The perfect righteousness of God that Jesus embodied in his death is the same righteousness God imputes to every one that believes in his name. The gospel of grace forever settles the issue of righteousness for those who believe. It is so dynamic and transformative that the apostle Paul testified: “Christ liveth in me” (Galatians 2:20). The ability of the resurrected Christ to transform a life is undeniable and irrefutable. The resurrection of Christ guarantees that all whom God has resurrected from spiritual death he will one day resurrect from physical death as well, accomplishing the total redemption of spirit, soul and body (Romans 8:11, 23; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54; 1 Thessalonians 4:14). 

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is believable on the basis of both reason and revelation. Those who have experienced God's grace in the new birth, having been resurrected with him, are his children and joint-heirs with Christ. Eye has not seen nor has ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for them that love him (1 Corinthians 2:9). All of the glories and blessings God has in store for believers are due to the fact that death was unable to contain Jesus in that grave! 


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