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The Synagogue of Satan

The historical setting is the reign of Roman emperor Domitian (81-96 A.D.). The apostle John has been banished to the Isle of Patmos. If we estimate the writing of Revelation to be circa 90 A.D., the apostle Paul has been dead for twenty-five years. While the churches Paul planted in Asia Minor are still alive and well, they've been impacted by various heresies, many of which Paul wrote to combat and correct. 

In Chapters 2-3, the Lord Jesus delivers individual messages to seven churches. In each message, Jesus informs them he has full knowledge of their spiritual condition (good and bad), what they're enduring, what actions they should take and a promise to the faithful. It's encouraging to see that while NONE of the churches passed muster in terms of a clean bill of spiritual health (Smyrna excepted), all seven are LOVED by the Lord Jesus. There is nothing more precious to Jesus than local churches that assemble in HIS name and proclaim HIS gospel, the gospel of GRACE!

The churches at Smyrna and Philadelphia shared a common malady: the “synagogue of Satan.” To the church at Smyrna, he said: “And I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9). To the church at Philadelphia, he reiterated: “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee” (3:9). It is not clear whether members of this satanic group had infiltrated the church or were just a local presence in the city whose influence was felt by the church. 

Before we seek to identify who these folks were and whether there is a modern-day equivalent, let us examine the words of Jesus to ascertain what we DO know to be true. The term “synagogue” may sound a little sarcastic but is, in fact, a statement of reality. These folks obviously claimed to have Jewish roots and practices. But Jesus said they were a synagogue with Satan at the helm. Perhaps they had a Jewish pedigree (physical component) but lacked the faith of Abraham (spiritual component). I suppose it's possible they were physical Jews who were never circumcised in heart. But I'm not sure that would rise to the level of blasphemy. They were more likely to have been Gentiles who believed the Church was the new Israel and therefore claimed to be Jews with an obligation to bring elements of Mosaic Law into Church life. Whatever they may have THOUGHT they were, Jesus said they were BLASPHEMERS and LIARS! It is important to remember that the major difference between a synagogue and a church is the difference between Law and Grace. Whether they were physical Jews who were spiritual imposters or Gentiles claiming to be Jews, they were guilty of making Mosaic Law, in addition to Grace, a requisite for righteousness. 

The overriding message here is our Lord's seriousness about his gospel of grace and his divine indignation with those who augment it in any way. The apostle Paul taught that Mosaic Law had no capacity whatsoever to bring spiritual life or righteousness to a sinner dead in trespasses and sins (Galatians 3:21). He also affirmed that Christ becomes the believer's righteousness and life when he calls upon Jesus' name, believing he died for their sins and rose again the third day. This is the message of the gospel! Activity that seeks to alter this message—adding to or taking from—is satanic activity. Mosaic Law can neither save the lost nor sanctify the saved! The synagogue of Satan was no doubt engaged in the modification of the gospel with Jewish (Mosaic) elements. 

The book of Galatians was likely the first epistle Paul wrote following the Jerusalem Council (A.D. 51). The conclusion arrived at by the apostles and the Holy Ghost was: "But we believe that through the GRACE of the Lord Jesus Christ we [Jews] shall be saved, even as they [Gentiles]" (Acts 15:11). The future tense of "saved" signifies that GRACE, not Mosaic Law, is the sole basis for our salvation FROM faith (justification) TO faith (sanctification) and our ultimate glorificaton. But not everyone embraced the doctrinal edict of the Council. When Paul began Galatians, he issued this stern warning: " I marvel that ye are so soon removed from HIM that called you into the GRACE of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would PERVERT the gospel of Christ" (Galatians 1:6-7). This is no coincidence! Any admixture of Law with Grace as a formula for attaining to the righteousness of God is a 'perversion' (corruption, transmutation) of the gospel. The synagogue of Satan is in the business of perverting the gospel by mixing Law with Grace.

An instructive passage in Galatians 2:11-21 records Paul's public rebuke of Peter as he had changed his behavior with Gentile believers at Antioch out of fear for other Jews that came from Jerusalem. Peter, a Jew by nature, was perfectly at ease with Gentile believers who observed no Mosaic rituals. But in an hypocritical reversal, he began “compelling” the Gentiles to live after the manner of Jews upon the arrival of Jews from Jerusalem. This change of behavior was contrary to “the truth of the gospel.” That truth is that righteousness comes by faith in Christ, whether Jew or Gentile. Both have equal standing before God on the merits of Christ alone. One absolute truth taught in this passage is that it was and NEVER has been the will of God for Gentile believers to live as Jews! Moreover, when Peter, a natural Jew, abandoned Mosaic customs and lived as did the Gentiles, he walked uprightly acording to the truth of the gospel. The synagogue of Satan consists of professing Gentile believers who falsely claim to be Jews, believe righteousness comes from Jesus + Mosaic Law and seek to compel other Gentile believers to live as Jews. Such behavior is contrary to the truth of the gospel and a perversion of it!

One cannot read the book of Acts without seeing that early believers, especially Jews, had a very difficult time with grace, holding on to Mosaic practices after professing faith in Christ. Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, preached and taught Christ from the Law and the Prophets but advocated NO Mosaic practices for the churches he planted. Some advocates of 'Restoration' theology cite historical documents that say the early churches acted like Jews. That's understandable given the difficulties for Jews transitioning from Law to Grace. It apparently proved difficult for Gentiles, who would have gained, from Paul's influence, a great respect for Christianity's Jewish roots. But historical documents do NOT constitute doctrine. Paul wrote Galatians and Colossians, two doctrinal foundations for the gospel of grace, to combat the error of incorporating the "weak and beggarly" elements of Mosaic Law into church life. Yet despite Paul's inspired efforts to lay a solid doctrinal foundation for the gospel, there were many "false brethren" (2 Corinthians 11:26; Galatians 2:4) who continued to "trouble" Gentile believers with ANOTHER gospel (Jesus + Mosaic covenent). A generation later, Jesus called out these synagogues of Satan in his messages to Smyrna and Philadelphia.

The charge of blasphemy is a serious one. But how does one commit blasphemy? One blasphemes when he treats sacred things with contempt. Where the gospel is concerned, it all boils down to the doctrine of redemption and the blood of Christ. The shed blood of Jesus, the Seed of Abraham, is the basis for the new covenant that fulfills the Abrahamic covenant and connects the believer to the promises made to Abraham. The Mosaic covenant, which God added alongside the Abrahamic covenant to exacerbate the knowledge of sin, is the old covenant from which Christ redeems the believer. God has not done away with the old covenant. By virtue of his death with Christ, the believer dies to the old covenant and is made alive by the new covenant in Christ's blood. When men mix the old and new covenants in some sort of gospel hybrid, they show contempt for the blood of Christ, deeming it unable, in and of itself, to secure our eternal redemption. In doing so, they become blasphemers and Jesus calls them exactly that!

In addition to the charge of blasphemy, Jesus accused the synagogue of Satan of lying! A lie is a false statement made with the intent to deceive. It misrepresents the truth. What exactly was the synagogue of Satan lying about? The gospel affirms the death of Christ on the Cross was the total satisfaction for our sins and the demands of the Law. It affirms that the blood of Christ was sufficient to redeem them that were under the Law from the curse of the Law. It affirms the believer of the gospel to be dead to the Law and alive unto the Lawgiver. The lie was likely two-fold in nature. First, Gentiles who claim to be Jews misrepresent the facts. Scripture teaches there is neither Jew nor Gentile in Christ (Galatians 3:28; Colossians 3:11). When a Gentile who claims to believe in Jesus also claims to be a Jew, he or she is a liar! Secondly, the risen Christ considers their claim the Church is Israel and therefore obligated to continue observing Mosaic Law to be a deliberate misrepresentation of gospel truth and the value of his Cross. It misrepresents the doctrine of redemption! Jesus is the final Judge. When he levels charges of blasphemy and lying against any people, there exists no higher court to which they can appeal their conviction! 

Satan is in the business of blinding the minds of unbelievers to the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God (2 Corinthians 3:14; 4:4). He uses his subtilty to corrupt the minds of believers from the simplicity that is in Christ (11:3). It is expected that his 'synagogue' would be engaged in both of these activities—blinding and corrupting minds. His ultimate objective is to persuade the unsaved and saved alike that the death of Jesus, his precious blood, his resurrection and his riighteousness imputed to the believer, the 'Good News' of GRACE, are insufficient, in and of themselves, to secure eternal redemption on behalf of those who believe. The argument a synagogue of Satan propagates usually takes the form of old 'covenant' plus new 'covenant'—a mix of Law and Grace. The NT, however, affirms that unbelievers are 'under Law' and believers 'under Grace' and that no man can be 'under' both at the same time. Those who mix Law and Grace essentially despise the blood of Jesus and incur his displeasure in the form of a two-fold indictment—blasphemers and liars! This indictment of Jesus is applicable to ANY individual or group that teaches righteousness, whether in justification or sanctification, is obtainable by compliance to Mosaic Law. The modern-day 'Restoration' movement is reflective of a satanic synagogue.   

These synagogues of Satan were apparently claiming the higher 'gospel' ground. They considered their allegiance to Mosaic Law and their attempt to meld it with Christianity as the superior position. But the Lord said he would ultimately make the synagogue of Satan worship at the feet of the Church and know how much Jesus loves those who champion the gospel of GRACE. The synagogues of Satan were likely akin to the Judaizers against whom Paul warned the Galatians and Colossians. If a man believes and teaches that Mosaic Law can, in any way, contribute to life or righteousness, he is a Judaizer, a member of the synagogue of Satan. He may have a quiver full of bastardized proof texts he claims prove that Mosaic Law was always intended to be part of Church life. But in the final analysis, salvation hinges upon the efficaciousness of the blood of Christ to secure our eternal redemption, clothe us in Christ's righteousness and provide us a "new and living way" into the holiest (Hebrews 10:20). The offering of the body of Christ—his death and precious blood—perfects forever the believer who is sanctified by faith in him (10:14). Adding so much as one requirement to the blood of Christ as necessary to achieve these ends is blasphemy and lying! 

The synagogue of Satan through the ages has taken on different forms. But in the final analysis, it has at its core an alternative to or augmentation of redemption by the blood of Jesus Christ and or sanctification by the Spirit of Christ. Paul testified that he was not ignorant of Satan's devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). If we examine Satan's first temptation (device), we derive basic insight into how he operates where his synagogues are concerned (Genesis 3:1). God said to the first couple: "Ye shall SURELY die" (2:17). Satan countered with: "Yea, hath God said...?" (3:1) and followed with: "Ye shall NOT SURELY die!" (3:4). Satan first introduced an element of DOUBT, then followed up with an outright DENIAL of truth. In the NT, God says believers are: "DEAD to the Law" (Romans 7:4; Galatians 2:19). Satan counters with: "Does dead really mean dead?" At some point, after DOUBT has run its course and eroded confidence in the plain sense of scripture, he follows with: "You are NOT DEAD to the Law!" He will then proceed to explain why that cannot be the case, using bastardized 'proof texts' from the OT that he interprets apart from their context as 'proof' that the Law is still applicable to the Church as a basis of justification and or discipleship; a mix of Law and Grace, old Mosaic covenant with the new covenant in the blood of Christ. 

In summary, every synagogue of Satan, regardless of the name under which it operates, will have one or more of the following tenets undergirding its existense:

(1) A claim that Israel is now the Church, that Gentile believers in the Church Age have been 'grafted' into one of the tribes of Israel. Both 'Replacement' theology and 'Restoration' theology espouse this error notwithstanding the scriptural truth that there are NO tribes in Christ or his Church (Galatians 3:28; Colossians 3:11). 

(2) A failure to understand the covenants. Romans 11 makes it clear that God has grafted Gentiles, as a wild olive tree, into Israel, the natural olive tree. But that grafting connects Gentile believers to Abraham, not Moses. Gentile believers are dead to the Old Covenant and grafted into the Abrahamic Covenant. In this regard, they are blessed with faithful Abraham, to whom God made promise to justify by faith all who followed his example of faith. Descendants of Abraham are the natural olive tree. There are no tribes in the Abrahamic covenant even as there are no tribes in the covenant in Christ's blood.

(3) A defective view of the death of Christ. Jesus fulfilled the Law in its entirety, He did not destroy it. Yet some allege Jesus satified the priesthood requirements of the Law but left other aspects in tact for our observavnce. This kind of thinking misses the point. Jesus left ALL the Law in tact. He satisfied ALL the demands of the Law in his death. He did not destroy the Law, but FULFILLED every aspect of it! If Jesus died for ALL our sins (1 Corinthians 15:3) and had ALL our iniquities laid upon him (Isaiah 53:6), then the atonement of Jesus MUST have included EVERY aspect of Law, a violation of which would constitute a transgression. Jesus did NOT suffer and atone for the traditions of the elders, scribes and Pharisees. The violation of their traditions did NOT constitute transgressions of the Law as far as God is concerned! Jesus in his death was a TOTAL satisfaction for our sins and iniquities and a fulfillment of the Law that precipitated them! 

(4) An advocacy for some degree of adherence to OT Law, whether it be for salvation (justification) or discipleship (sanctification) at the expense of NT Grace, which teaches the total sufficiency of Christ, his righteousness, his life and the redeeming power of his blood. 

(5) A belief that the early Church went astray early on and was 'hijacked' by grace advocates. They see their mission as one to 'restore' elements of Mosaic Law that the Church abandoned. Acts 15 and the Jerusalem Council soundly refuted this error! In fact, the synagogues of Satan are akin to the disciples of Moses who tried to corrupt the church at Antioch in Syria, an attempt which precipitated the Jerusalem Council in the first place, where Grace won the day. 

(6) A bastardization of NT scripture. Synagogue of Satan ministers are guilty of substituting 'Yahweh' for 'Lord', 'Yeshua' for 'Jesus' and 'Elohim' for 'God'. The NT was written in Greek. Any honest translation of scripture will demonstrate faithfulness to the original language. A synagogue of Satan will purposefully mistranslate these Greek words as an eisegetical (reading into) exercise to give a Hebrew flavor to the Greek text. When you hear a Gentile man, who believes he's a Jew, using OT names for God when quoting NT scripture (i.e., reading Hebrew names into Greek text), you're likely listening to a synagogue of Satan representative. It's one of the ways a Gentile, who believes his faith in 'Yeshua' makes him a Jew, seeks to affirm his Jewishness. But it's nothing more than deceitful handling of scripture.

(7) A denial of the Trinity. A synagogue of Satan will typically deny the Trinitarian (Three-in-One) nature of the Godhead. There are few Bible doctrines with more attestation than the ONE true God existing eternally in THREE Persons—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Each member of the Godhead has a unique role in our redemption. The man Christ Jesus is the One Mediator between God and men. Jesus could NOT be a Mediator if he was not BOTH God and man! The synagogue of Satan, because it believes Trinitarian doctrine teaches Three Gods, will advocate an equivalency of the Father and Son (i.e., the Father IS the Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ IS the Father). This is a direct assault on the doctrine of God! 

(8) A misrepresentation of the Holy Spirit. Some 'Restoration' ministries describe the Holy Spirit as “an invisible force.” This essentially strips the Spirit of personhood and, in combination with the Father and Son 'equivalency' concept, maintains the idea of One God, One Person. It is therefore not uncommon to hear a synagogue of Satan member use the words 'Father' or 'Almighty Father' when referring to their God and conspicuously omit the names of 'Jesus' and or 'Christ' from their vocabulary.

Two biblical keys apply here. Jesus said: "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me" (John 15:26). Paul wrote: "And he [Jesus] is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he [Jesus] might have the preeminence" (Colossians 1:18). If and when the Spirit God is the impetus behind a ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ will be the first and foremost focus of it! You simply cannot honor the Father without honoring his Son (John 5:23). 

(9) A defective view of eschatology. Many synagogues of Satan allege that "the fulness of the Gentiles" has come and gone (Romans 11:25). But as Paul explained, the fulness of the Gentiles is connected to the "mystery" of the church. The day of the Lord will not commence, nor the fulness of the Gentiles be accomplished, until Jesus catches away (gathers) his Church, his largely Gentile bride, unto himself in the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2). This is a convenient allegation that really MUST accompany the other false belief that the Church is Israel.

(10) A disdain for (abandonment of) the local church that preaches the gospel of GRACE as affirmed by the Jerusalem Council in A.D. 51. A synagogue of Satan may see its 'work' as that of influencing GRACE-based local churches to adopt LAW-based practices, such as the observance of Feasts and Sabbaths, as a matter of discipleship. But such 'Torah compliance' doctrine has NO ability to make one a disciple of Christ, for it can impart neither life nor righteousness. The Christian life IS the life of Christ! It is NOT conformity to types, figures and shadows! Any individual who REJECTS what Jesus LOVES (i.e., Grace-preaching local churches) is telegraphing the satanic source of his or her persuasion.

(11) The use of OT phrases like "my ways" and "old paths" as proof the Church is still obligated to conform to those ways, often referred to as "the Father's ways" as expressed in Mosaic Law.In the NT, however, Jesus said he was the embodiment of those "ways" and "paths" inasmuch as he told his disciples: "I am THE way" (John 14:6). When Jesus said he was THE way, he was essentially saying: "ALL the 'my ways' and 'old paths' of the Old Covenant are now bundled up in ME, the Mediator of the New Covenant!" 

(12) A false accusation of 'lawlessness' against Grace-based churches and individuals. Believers in the gospel of grace are "under the law to Christ" as was the apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 9:21). A disciple of Christ who studies the Torah is NOT concerned with COMPLIANCE, but with OBEDIENCE. His goal is to discover the will of God and obey it as he finds it through the power of the Spirit. For example, when he reads Exodus 20:13-16, he learns the will of God for his life is respect for the sanctity of life, sexual purity, respect for the property of others and truthfulness in every area of life. As he relies upon the power of the Spirit to FORM these Christ-like qualities IN him, he fulfills the righteousness of the Law (Galatians 4:19; Romans 8:2-4). 

How does a believer in grace obey an OT feast? Since OT feasts are shadows of Christ, he simply seeks to discover the spiritual intent of the feast and what can be learned about Christ his Lord. For example, the Feast of Unleavened Bread teaches the need to live an unleavened life as a result of Christ becoming his Passover Lamb. The way he obeys the spirit of the feast is to ask God daily to expose the leaven in his life, confess it, forsake it and live godly in Spirit power as a result. What is the benefit of OT feast COMPLIANCE by one whose life is rife with DISOBEDIENCE?

These messages to the churches at Smyrna and Philadelphia should strike fear in the heart of every soul that seeks to add some aspect of Mosaic Law as necessary to the attainment of life and righteousness. The bottom line: DO.NOT.MESS.WITH.GRACE! The blood of Christ and the Spirit of Christ ALONE have the power to redeem, regenerate, justify, reconcile, cleanse from sin, empower the believer to walk in fellowship with his Lord and transform-conform him into the image of Christ Jesus. 

Those who champion any element of Mosaic Law as integral to Grace have departed from the faith, having given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils (1 Timothy 4:1). They are: (1) the enemies of Christ, (2) the enemies of his Cross, and (3) despisers of his blood. As Paul warned, it is "no great thing" if the ministers of Satan tarnsform themselves into "ministers of righteousness" (2 Corinthians 11:15). Modern-day examples include ministries like 'Yahweh Restoration', 'Torah Restoration' and 'Torah Compliance'. These and ministries with similar scope, which advocate elements of Mosaic Law as integral to salvation and or discipleship, are synagogues of Satan. At the end of the day, Jesus will expose them for the blasphemers and liars they are! The synagogue of Satan has nothing whatsoever to do with the worship of Satan, but rather the false worship of ANOTHER Jesus with ANOTHER gospel and ANOTHER spirit. That's what makes it so sinister, so deadly, and why Jesus hates it!


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